Music on Vinyl

copyright © 2000 finpo.

Musik på Vinyl

LP/MAXI DIE-CUT JACKET M/HUL - Hvid eller Sort -  De-Luxe - 25 Stk.
LP/MAXI DIE-CUT JACKET M/HUL - Hvid eller Sort -  De-Luxe - 25 Stk.

LP/MAXI DIE-CUT JACKET M/HUL - Hvid eller Sort - De-Luxe - 25 Stk.

8,00 4,00 DKK



01A15a / 01A10a 25 Stk. NY KVALITET
Hvid eller Sort Cover med centerhul.
300g/m2 - ca, 31,5 x 31,5
3 mm tyk foldet ryg

Cardboard box bag for one Vinyl record. These record covers are made of cardboard, have a
two-sided 100 mm centre hole and can be printed or written on. They are punched on both sides.